Transcending the Mind through Vipassana Meditation – Casey Jones

The Natural Self Podcast
The Natural Self Podcast
Transcending the Mind through Vipassana Meditation - Casey Jones

We live our lives with so many habit patterns learned and acted through unconsciously over and over, living in a repetitive pattern with the result being the same results day in and day out in life. When we transcend mind, we transcend the habit patterns, unconscious and subconscious controls, the addictive chemical process that occurs by thinking repetitive thoughts, even if we do not not like them because the way we are feeling from it is familiar, so “this must be me, these thoughts, because I feel the way I am thinking.” That is a false alignment. We are not our thoughts. That also means the feeling being being a product of thought, that we are also not the feelings created by the thought. We are the Soul who can observe all that is within and outwardly, including observing our own thoughts. When doing vipassana, we transcend the mind into sensation, transcending the focus of viewing thoughts, and instead noticing the current sensation in the nostrils or body, sharpening the minds ability to focus in the moment. This allows old patterns and programs to die off from not being used or paid attention to. Whats left is the real you.

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