Everything is Ancient, Including You!

Posted by Casey Jones

–  When we think of our lives in a physical sense do we ever step back and think about the makings of it all? What is really happening in our experience a far as life in physical reality?

As you read this, I am sure you will agree with the picture of reality that is paint, as it is a universally acceptable point of view. When I became aware of this perspective, it changed my whole experience, how I see, feel and perceive life. I now know through this understanding that with out a doubt I am a divine being in a physical experience.

Yes, all of nature, all physical things in existence, are made of up of recycled materials. There is different combinations of these materials that make up the entire physical experience. It is all ancient, every scrap of material used to formulate this existence is ancient and continuously Recycled into new form.

Your body is not created out of nothing, it is built out of recycled materials. All the building blocks already existed before your body even started to be formed. The seed from your father and your mothers body provided the materials for your body. Your spirit becomes grounded into the body being formed from these recycled materials.

Whether it is a tree, plant, animal. bug or human, the consciousness of the soul/spirit forms whatever being it is with precision. Every rock, every plant, every drop of water, all things are formed at one point and distributed, collected and recycled into its current form.

When we eat food, drink water, breathe air etc., it gives us what we need to replace or add cells to grow or maintain our bodies. Our entire life is a recycling of materials to maintain the being. It is quite amazing to realize as it shows the intelligence behind the physical scene, the soul/spirit working in this dimension to continue the process for experiencing what we perceive as this physical experience.

This process, is the process that cannot be avoided, voided or denied without loosing the experience one has in the physical plane of things. We do what we call here, Die if we do not participate in recycling of materials needed to what we call here, Live. What a beautiful process and it puts all beings on the same level, same playing field when perceived this way. We are all ancient, all things including tables, chairs, rocks, animals, humans, concrete, steel, plants, whatever you can name, we are all recycled from the original material that exist all together and has always existed.  Even a baby in it’s first cell division and multiplication is ancient even though we call it new.

From this understanding, should the word “new” be viewed in a different context than it is popularly viewed in today? Since our language plays such a big role in perception of the reality we are in, I feel like this explanation might be be a decent example to illustrate the point and challenge the status quo. A new Car is not a new car, it is simply recycled and conditioned into its form, painted and shined up to be perceived as what we call new. When we get a new car in our life, it is not actually something that is new to the world, brought to existence by magic, right? It is recycled materials, forged through processes of already existing materials, made into something different. In that sense what I mean is, the word new shouldn’t be related to anything as an object but can be seen as in, “a new possession.” There is nothing ever new, it is recycled, reworked and can never be revoked from existence. Seeing just a few things a little different in our life can change the whole experience.

Really settling into this understanding will allow you to view things as they are, in the root of all things it is vibrations, energy and then its appeared form. Life is a consistent recycling, always flowing in the moment, from moment to moment.

I hope this understanding sparks interest in changing the way you perceive all things. We benefit from gaining perspective, make that effort to see all things “As they Are,” and free our self from the chains of illusion.

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