The internet and social media age. How thoughts and comments interact energetically with each other.

– I want to discuss something that I feel is not present in our awareness all the time in this new information age of communication. This day and age there is so much fast communication. With devices and social media outlets, we need to slow down and remember that all of our interactions, thoughts and comments extend to the person we are communicating to in the energy plane, even if we do not intend to do that.

Lets say you are commenting on a post with other people and something is said to you and you respond kindheartedly with something that you may seem harmless but the other sees it as an invite to your energy field. Every time we make a connection we must remember that just because it is not physical does not mean that its not energetic. You may not realize that the other is now thinking towards you with certain thoughts that are energy and transferred to your energy field. This is especially true for someone who may want to pursue you, whether you know it or not.

Communication opens doorways to energy transference and or closes them.

For instance, lets say you are responding to a comment where someone insinuates you two could be together somehow. If you respond with words, a playful gif or meme that appears to have no rejection to that thought, the other now has a false sense of the communication and will begin making attempts at getting into your energy field. This continuance of false reality will mislead the other person and create interference in your energy field. There is no distance when it comes to energy transference from consciousness. This is why we can feel something good or something that isn’t right even at a distance from someone.

We may be playful but we should ultimately be very clear on intent.

What is the moral of this conversation? Be conscious that communication in any form has intent and exchange. The intent is directed to the other person but may not be translated or understood as harmless to who you are communicating with. In order for us all to be clear, we must realize that having communication online or over the phone is energetic interaction,(inner-action).

We should always choose wisely who we accept friend request from and who we choose to friend request. Make sure they are aligned with what you want to be influenced by.

If we have no intent on having an energetic exchange with another and letting them into our world in any way, we should be clear in our communications so we do not mislead them. We can make sure when we make comments that they have the boundaries in them you wish to have. You will have energy knocking at your ethereal doors and windows constantly if you mislead others intentionally or unintentionally. Some people may like this, but it will take a toll on their attention and effect their energy field as well as the others. This occurrence can effect your thoughts, feelings and other real relationships in subtle ways.

I encourage all of us to be more mindful, more truthful and upfront when communicating online and in person so we do not mislead into false story lines and assumptions of intent. This can and will cause confusion, distraction and false hopes in others. Some people may like to do this but it is not a moral act to use others for energy and attention. In this world, lets take responsibility for our interactions and realize the consequence of vague or misleading speech that are energetic as well as physical by manifesting in the physical body as sensation.

We can all take steps to keep things clear and concise in our communications. We can do this so that all of us can be tuned into the actual realities each other are intending and living. It is an important step to accountability in our communication with others and our self. This concept can fit into any communication we have in our life, even arguing online or in person. Be the change you wish to see in the world, be accountable for how we effect others and our self by being as clear as possible in all situations..

May you be Happy, clear and concise in all your communications, may you be enlightened into higher vibrations and raise the vibes of others through being clear on intent.

Posted by Casey Jones

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